Presented by Andrea Kalli Virtual Trainer and Assistant, LLC

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Create your own HTML newsletter template

This is really just an extension of the tip provided for creating email stationery. The only difference is that you set it up in a table so you have a column style format that lends itself to look more like a newsletter.  In order to comply with no-spam laws your newsletter distribution must allow for recipients to opt-out of receiving it. It’s a good idea to put your opt-out disclosure in your newsletter, maybe somewhere at the bottom. Then be diligent about identifying your contacts that choose not to get your newsletter, and do not include them in further newsletter distributions. The Outlook category field is perfect for identifying your opt-out customers. Then create a filtered view to easily locate those contacts that do not have “opt-out” as a category. It also might be a good idea to make a short note in the Notes field of your contact about their choice to opt-out. As an alternative, there are many newsletter services available on the internet. The costs are quite reasonable and have many extras available for you to take advantage of. Some of the more popular ones seem to be: Constant Contact, Vertical Response, eNewsBuilder, and ezinedirector.  There are many more and you can do a quick internet search to find them. Many of these take care of the opt-out responses from the recipients. Worth a look if you want to hand over much of the newsletter work to someone else.